Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Journal #10

• what is your priority list as of today, with two weeks before deadline?

to do the rest of coloring and make title and ending. I don't really need sound effects so now I am not worrying about it. And after make my film a clip, I need to make background and add some effects in After Effects.

 • which "babies are you prepared to kill," if necessary, in order to finish your film on time (May 7th) and fit it within the 90 second - 2-minute time constraint  - think of in-betweening, simplified color, and eliminating shots not integral to the story


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Journal #9

What kind of a sound environment do you plan for your film?
Realistic? More music-based? What will the role of sound be in your film?

 For my piece, I don't have to use realistic sound environment; 
I could use more music-based, or maybe only background music is enough... 
 The role of sound in my film is very important as there are no dialog, and have to choose the right pieces to match the emotion of my film.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Journal #8

• What is your biggest time management challenge, and what is your plan for dealing with it from here through the end of the semester?

the biggest time management of me is my laziness obviously. if i'm asked for some specific ones, those would be the commuting between school and home; business about family troubles (as my parents could not speak any English, i have to help them in everything); classes and other assignments.

my plan is always no plan. but i will do my best to reach the weekly goal. as heavy as people have procrastination, i have to fight against it everyday.  

 • Which of your classmates’ films do you particularly like? Why? What is the strongest element of their piece? Where would you make suggestions?

i would like to see Erica's, i think there will be many people like her piece. Her interesting story, smooth movements of characters, cute designs, emotional dub, fantastic background drawings, just could not make my eyes leave the screen. for suggestions, i am so bad in suggesting people, and as i could not do a film like her level, i could not give any nice suggestion. (in a complex mood) 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Journal #7

What were the three most important points you absorbed from the mid-semester crit?

I noticed that if more people give ideas at the same time, make more confusion, and not united.

But the most important points I absorbed from the crit are: 1, knowing the lack of imagination and have to think more; 2, bad staging that i could improve more; 3, a lot of jump cuts that have to add transitions.  

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

junior piece sp13: crit schedule

junior piece sp13: crit schedule for 19mar13: Hi Class, Here's the crit schedule for our mid-semester crits on Tuesday, March 19th, 9:00am, rm.1421 - 09:00am - Omer Qayyum (senio...

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Journal #6

• what’s the approach to working on this piece that’s worked the best for you so far? 

Wherever and whenever, need a quiet environment. (But the true is I don't have that much time. My classes are scheduled too full for me to work follow the calender this week.)

• what elements do you find you need to put you in a comfortable and productive frame of mind for working:
- at home with a hot cup of tea just before/after dinner?

I work better while I am in school, but at home I could work either. need food--this is the most important thing! need Movie soundtracks or CD drama while working that could enrich the boring work time.

- working early in the morning for a couple of hours before anyone else is awake?

no,I've never done this. usually work late till works done and have a short sleep.

- breaking up your six hours of out-of-class work time into smaller chunks, e.g. three times a week for two hours at a time? twice a week for three hours at a time?

only 2 or 3 hours Monday/Friday(only these days have one class) for work time, but it would cause a over-amount work in weekend anyway.

- mixing work with clearly defined breaks for exercise or other play time?

no clear at all, no time for exercise and start getting weight; no sleep on Sunday and Monday(people can say many excuse on their difficulties.)